Comprehending the Comforter
There is massive confusion over the Holy Spirit. Many things are attributed to Him that He has no part of. Many things that He truly does are not honoured, admired or praised. One side of the church expects Him to do things that Scripture does not promise He would always do in all times. Another side of the church fails to expect Him to do the very things He did promise to do. So what should we expect the Holy Spirit to do? What constitutes a practical, living belief in the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit? How do we comprehend the Comforter? Jesus gave us many of the answers in the Upper Room Discourse.
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The Misunderstood Third Person
The Christianity that is growing and dominant in Africa is essentially a Christianity that profoundly misunderstands the Holy Spirit. It misunderstands His nature, it misunderstands His work, it misunderstands His purposes. Instead of having a theology of the Holy Spirit derived from Scripture, it is almost entirely a theology derived from experience. If we listen carefully to the words of Jesus, we can better understand the misunderstood Holy Spirit. In John 15:26 and a few other verses, we can overturn three errors regarding the Holy Spirit, and come to know Him rightly.
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